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Improving health and wellbeing

We provide specialist medical equipment for children in hospital

MedEquip4Kids improves the health and wellbeing of babies and children in the UK by providing equipment and facilities not available from limited NHS resources. We also deliver the Hummingbird Project, a programme of mental health workshops in schools.

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Our Stories

Arabella Bailey

Five-year-old Arabella was born with polydactyly, which means she has an extra thumb on her right hand. Unfortunately, Arabella has received negative comments from her peers at school, and so her, and her mum Clare were at the hospital so the surgeons could remove her extra thumb. While at the hospital, Arabella will also undergo […]

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Our Projects

Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital – Rhino Sensory Voyager


Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital’s Ward 83 is an 11-bed providing round-the-clock care to children from 0-18 years on long term ventilation or with an acquired brain injury requiring rehabilitation. Premature babies with chronic lung disease are also treated on the ward. The ward’s roles include preparing children and their families for the child’s discharge home, […]

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Currently Fundraising

Royal Bolton Hospital Louby Lou


Being in hospital can be distressing, frightening and boring for kids. For many years we have funded “Magic Medic” Louby-Lou to entertain children in hospital with her immersive, colourful and vibrant clown show, performing magic tricks and getting kids singing along to popular songs. This distracts them from their treatment and helps to cheer them […]

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Currently Fundraising

Stepping Hill Children’s Emergency Department – Toys for Distraction


The new Children’s Emergency Department at Stepping Hill Hospital is in need of toys and activities to distract and calm the 25,000 children that they treat each year. The department sees children from 0-15 suffering from a variety of medical and surgical conditions, injuries and mental health crisis. Children attending the Emergency Department (ED) can […]

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“The contribution of two Acheeva work stations has enhanced what we can offer to many children and students. Two young men are now able to access the larger workstations and their care and quality of life has improved dramatically. Michael now has the extra-large learning station available every day. Please thank everyone on our behalf who raised the money.”

Andy Tearle
Deputy Headteacher
Kings Mill School, Driffield

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