Working with MedEquip4Kids is a great opportunity for your company to build team morale, gain positive PR coverage and achieve your CSR objectives.
How your company can support MedEquip4Kids
- Choose us as your Charity of the Year
- Participate on our behalf in challenge events such as the Great Manchester Run
- Enter MedEquip4Kids events and challenges
- Sponsor a corporate duck in our Easter Duck Race
- Fundraise in the office with dress down days, collections and raffles
- Payroll giving and matching gifts
- Do something new. Let’s put our heads together and come up with something amazing!
What can we offer?
Community Engagement – engage with the local community by funding our local projects. Your company’s branding can be added to the equipment and your contribution recognised for many years to come.
Team Building – bond the team towards a common goal of reaching social objectives. We can offer or help you develop a range of challenge events, workplace fundraising initiatives and entertaining fundraising events.
Goodwill – we can lend you the goodwill of our brand to use on your website. We can also develop cause-related market opportunities with you.
Exposure – we seek to make as much noise about our partners as possible and can offer a range of PR opportunities as well as sponsorship options.
Site Visits – we can organise for you and your team to come down to see our projects and the impact your donations have.
Account Manager – we are dedicated to managing your support to ensure that your goals are realised.
For more details on how your company can get involved, please contact us.