6 June
Find out more → MedEquip4Kids appeal for equipment to care for injured children
31 May
Find out more → Becky Thomas completes her first half-marathon for MedEquip4Kids
24 May
Find out more → MedEquip4Kids Corporate Golf Day goes with a swing
23 May
Find out more → Our thoughts are with all those affected by the attack at Manchester Arena
19 May
Find out more → MedEquip4Kids to provide more resources to give children better mental health
11 May
Find out more → Choose MedEquip4Kids as your local Co-op cause and raise funds for children in hospital
24 April
Find out more → Better support for babies in Blackpool
21 April
Find out more → Another quacking day out at the Quays Duck Race
7 April
Find out more → New alarms help kids stay dry at night
30 March
Find out more → MedEquip4Kids moves into Manchester city centre!
24 March
Find out more → Fun and laughter for kids at Stepping Hill Hospital
17 March
Find out more → Faces light up on children’s ward with new sensory equipment
“The contribution of two Acheeva work stations has enhanced what we can offer to many children and students. Two young men are now able to access the larger workstations and their care and quality of life has improved dramatically. Michael now has the extra-large learning station available every day. Please thank everyone on our behalf who raised the money.”
Andy Tearle
Deputy Headteacher
Kings Mill School, Driffield