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Being in hospital can be distressing, frightening and boring for kids. For many years we have funded “Magic Medic” Louby-Lou to entertain children’s wards with her immersive, colourful and vibrant clown show, performing magic tricks and getting kids singing along to popular songs. This distracts them from their treatment and helps to cheer them up. Reducing their stress and anxiety can make a real difference to the speed of their recovery.

This year we are raising funds for Louby-Lou to provide 12 visits (one a month) to the Treehouse Children’s Unit at Stepping Hill Hospital in Stockport. Over the year her visits will benefit around 500 children.

Caroline Stores, Play Specialist at Stepping Hill says: “Louby-Lou is fantastic at entertaining children of all ages and their parents. With her endless skills of magic tricks, balloon making, karaoke and jokes, she is great at adapting and including all children regardless of their abilities. We have also always had fantastic feedback. Her visits provide a fun and positive hospital experience to all the patients and parents on the ward.”

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Royal Calderdale Hospital – child-friendly waiting area

West Yorkshire

The Children’s Accident and Emergency Department at Calderdale Royal Hospital sees around 16,000 children a year who are sick or injured and need emergency care.  Visiting A&E may be scary and confusing for children, but having a calming and welcoming area to wait in can help to alleviate worries and stress. The team at Royal […]

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Macclesfield District General Hospital – Bedside pulse oximeters

Macclesfield District General Hospital

Macclesfield District General Hospital are in need of four bedside pulse oximeters, which are used for monitoring oxygen levels in children with a range of respiratory conditions, including include chest infections, asthma, and croup. They are also used to support children on non-invasive ventilator support and those who have had surgical/anaesthetic intervention such as ear […]

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Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital – Rhino Sensory Voyager


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“Several pupils in the class use the Acheeva bed as part of their postural management program and it has been absolutely invaluable.”

Kira Bühler
Deputy Head Teacher
Lancasterian School, Manchester

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