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Incontinence in children may be caused by a physical disability, a learning difficulty, or psychological or social problems. Most NHS Trusts run a Paediatric Continence Service with a dedicated specialist team or through the community nursing team. They work with children and their families providing care and advice to help children gain control of their bladder and bowel.

Bed wetting is a widespread and distressing condition which can significantly affect the child’s behaviour, emotional well being and social life. Children who wet the bed often fear sleepovers or school trips in case they are bullied or ridiculed, but also worry they will lose their friends if they refuse to attend. The use of enuresis (bed wetting) alarms can help to train the child to stay dry through the night which improves self esteem and quality of life.

The Macclesfield Bowel and Bladder Service are expanding the reach of their service with an extra nurse to cope with demand and therefore need more resources. They have asked for our help to fund equipment including enuresis alarms and a Playmobil bathroom set which helps children act out their feelings when unable to vocalize them. This extra continence equipment will greatly enhance the service provided to children in the Macclesfield area.

The total cost of fulfilling this project is £1829.72

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“Infections of the central nervous system need urgent and appropriate treatment. Most laboratory methods can take from 24 to 48 hours for diagnosis of bacterial meningitis and three to seven days for diagnosis of viral meningitis or encephalitis. The new equipment will mean we can get results of these tests in around an hour. We’ll be able to inform the clinicians of a positive result, allowing targeted therapy and reassurance to the patients and families. Just as important is the reporting of negative results, which may enable treatment withdrawal and possibly a shorter hospital stay.”

Dr Pradeep Subudhi
Consultant Microbiologist
Royal Bolton Hospital

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