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Incontinence in children may be caused by physical disability, a learning difficulty, or psychological or social problems. Most NHS Trusts run a Paediatric Continence Service with a dedicated specialist team or through the community nursing team. They work with children and their families providing care and advice to help children gain control of their bladder and bowel.

Bedwetting is a widespread and distressing condition which can significantly affect the child’s behaviour, emotional wellbeing and social life. Children who wet the bed at night often fear sleepovers or school trips in case they are bullied or ridiculed. They also worry they will be excluded and lose their friends if they refuse to attend.

The Glasgow Paediatric Continence Team have asked for our help to fund resources including enuresis (bedwetting) alarms, child friendly toilet seats to encourage children to use the toilet during the day and picture books to help children learn how their body works.

This equipment will greatly enhance the service provided to children in the Glasgow area.


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Tameside General Hospital

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Firwood School, Bolton – Shower Trolley Bed

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“During winter months our admissions of children with respiratory conditions increase, so these saturation monitors are vital to us being able to safely monitor children. They will allow us to monitor more children both continuously through their stay with us and at intermittent times during their visit. Staff will find the additional units make their jobs easier.”

Jayne Simpson
Ward Manager
Royal Bolton Hospital

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