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Five-year-old Arabella was born with polydactyly, which means she has an extra thumb on her right hand. Unfortunately, Arabella has received negative comments from her peers at school, and so her, and her mum Clare were at the hospital so the surgeons could remove her extra thumb. While at the hospital, Arabella will also undergo genetic testing for Fanconi anemia, a rare condition where bone marrow does not make enough blood cells.

Clare hopes that the surgery will lead to Arabella being happier at school, and able to live life to the fullest. She was very happy with the spot monitor which MedEquip4Kids donated to Wythenshawe Hospital and which was used to monitor Arabella’s stats such as her temperature, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation. Clare said: “The spot monitor is wonderful. As soon as the nurses brought it in for Arabella I couldn’t believe how small it was! It is so child-friendly compared to the older, bulkier monitors. Thank you MedEquip4Kids!”

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“The specialist treatment chairs are a new vital resource for the therapy team and nursing staff to be able to safely and comfortably sit extremely complex, dependant, critical care patients out of bed. The chairs allow us to begin the patient’s rehabilitation journey by providing appropriate postural support at the same time as pressure relief to allow the patient to build the muscle strength to hold themselves up against gravity. This allows them to begin to interact with their environment in a more normal way, enabling them to participate in meaningful activities such as meal times and activities of daily living.”

Physiotherapy Team
Critical Care Unit
Royal Preston Hospital

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