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Woodlands Special School in Blackpool caters for pupils aged 2 – 18 with severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD). The pupils’ needs are met through the adaptive and personalised curriculum but some children express extreme difficulty with sensory modulation.  This occurs when the brain either over or under responds to sensory information and impacts on the pupil’s ability to learn and function in everyday life, leading to anger, frustration or anxiety.

A sensory ‘diet’ consists of structured movement based activities, which gets the muscles and body moving in an organised way. The ‘diet’ can help with modulation difficulties but needs to be followed by ‘heavy work’ or ‘pressure and touch’ activities. This regulates the body, preventing harmful behaviours like biting and head banging. ‘Heavy work’ and ‘pressure and touch’ activities can be facilitated by weighted items like blankets, shoulder wraps or wrist and ankle weights or by pressure vests and sensory hug shirts. There is a large variety of these items available and Woodlands School need a wide selection to trial with each pupil for the best results and as their needs change.

MedEquip4Kids have agreed to fundraise for twenty different weighted and pressure items which will make a huge difference to the pupils’ learning experience.


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Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice, Liverpool – Safespace Cot

Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice

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“This donation has enabled us to use more varied and useful therapeutic toys and games when working with children and young people with mental health difficulties, as well as using extra clinic rooms which are now more child-friendly. This has helped reduced anxiety about coming to CAMHS and meant that family therapy can be done. Both parents of a 10 year old boy can now attend with their 5 year old as the youngest child can play with our new resources in the waiting room or clinic space. The 10 year old benefited from therapeutic games about thoughts/feelings and we were also able to observe imaginative play for assessment.”

Dr Eleanor Oswald
Clinical Psychologist, CAMHS
Vale of Leven Hospital

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