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For the past nine years MedEquip4Kids has been providing packages of resources for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) across the UK to help the services enhance their care for the one in six children and young people in the UK with a diagnosable mental health condition such as anxiety, depression, an eating disorder, or OCD. These resources can include emotion cards, stress balls and fidget toys, arts and craft materials, role-play materials, mood cards to help with communication and understanding emotion, books, workbooks, puzzles, and more. We know from the evaluations and feedback we receive that these resources are making a real impact in improving the care and treatment offered to young patients with mental health difficulties. Below is a comment from CAMHS staff who have received support from us before.

“Our Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner used the Playing CBT game to support young people to think of physical symptoms when angry or anxious. This was particularly helpful with a young person who has a learning disability and struggled to identify how he felt during these times. We used feelings and emotions cards during our Big Emotions group to help young people identify with the normal emotions everyone feels.”

How to apply 

We accept applications from CAMHS anywhere in the UK. Applicants can apply for resources up to the value of £1,000 that they have been unable to access from NHS funding.  The deadline for applications is Wednesday 28th June 2023 (NOW CLOSED).

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“The specialist treatment chairs are a new vital resource for the therapy team and nursing staff to be able to safely and comfortably sit extremely complex, dependant, critical care patients out of bed. The chairs allow us to begin the patient’s rehabilitation journey by providing appropriate postural support at the same time as pressure relief to allow the patient to build the muscle strength to hold themselves up against gravity. This allows them to begin to interact with their environment in a more normal way, enabling them to participate in meaningful activities such as meal times and activities of daily living.”

Physiotherapy Team
Critical Care Unit
Royal Preston Hospital

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