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At MedEquip4Kids we care about every aspect of children’s health, including their mental health and wellbeing.  Our Hummingbird Project improves young people’s mental health through a six-week course in secondary schools, which focuses on Positive Psychology.

Led by trained staff and volunteers, the workshops cover topics such as Mental Health and Stigma, Happiness and Wellbeing, Resilience and Character Strengths, Growth Mindsets, Hope and Gratitude, and Mindfulness. An understanding of these concepts helps give young people the techniques and tools to become more emotionally resilient.

Recently we taught the course to pupils at Blacon High School in Cheshire. Following on from the course, we delivered a resource pack of books, stress toys and games (pictured) to the school, to help them continue to put what they learned into practice.

Below is a selection of students’ feedback on the Hummingbird Project:

It makes me feel happy and I don’t worry about anything”

“A relaxing, comforting experience”

“A way to make kids happier and make them more confident”

“I learned that I had a lot of character strengths”

“I learnt many things to think about myself”

“The best experience ever”

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“This donation has enabled us to use more varied and useful therapeutic toys and games when working with children and young people with mental health difficulties, as well as using extra clinic rooms which are now more child-friendly. This has helped reduced anxiety about coming to CAMHS and meant that family therapy can be done. Both parents of a 10 year old boy can now attend with their 5 year old as the youngest child can play with our new resources in the waiting room or clinic space. The 10 year old benefited from therapeutic games about thoughts/feelings and we were also able to observe imaginative play for assessment.”

Dr Eleanor Oswald
Clinical Psychologist, CAMHS
Vale of Leven Hospital

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