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Noise in hospitals, whether from loud voices, televisions or banging doors, can be an issue for both patients and staff, especially at night. Better sleep is well-documented as leading to reduced stress levels and faster recovery from illness, which results in children being able to go home earlier.

The SoundEar Noise Warning Sign is a wall-mounted sign that lights up when noise levels  become too high and reminds everyone to keep the noise down. The presence of the sign is usually enough to remind people that noise is an issue, without anyone having to complain. SoundEars are commonly used within intensive care and neonatal units.

The medical team at Royal Preston Hospital want to purchase two SoundEars for the children’s ward, allowing staff on the ward to keep track of noise levels and improve the wellbeing of young patients and their families. This small but impactful project will benefit up to 30 children on the ward each night

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Stepping Hill Children’s Emergency Department – Toys for Distraction


The new Children’s Emergency Department at Stepping Hill Hospital is in need of toys and activities to distract and calm the 25,000 children that they treat each year. The department sees children from 0-15 suffering from a variety of medical and surgical conditions, injuries and mental health crisis. Children attending the Emergency Department (ED) can […]

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Liverpool Women’s Hospital – Breastfeeding Equipment

One of the most effective ways to improve children’s health is to support new mothers to breastfeed their babies. Breastfeeding has lifelong health benefits for babies, protecting them from infections such as gastroenteritis and reducing the risk of diabetes, respiratory disease, hypertension and obesity later in life. However, breastfeeding rates in the UK are among […]

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Green Fold Special School, Bolton – Acheeva Graduate Beds

We are providing two new Acheeva Beds for Green Fold Special School in Bolton. These are unique work stations that allow children with physical disabilities as well as Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD) to lie in a supported, balanced posture while participating in classroom learning. The Acheeva Bed is compact and easily moveable, and […]

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“The new beds for parents have had such a positive impact on the wellbeing of our children knowing their parent or carer is close by. But also for the parent being able to sleep comfortably next to their child has made such a difference to how they have responded to staff during difficult times on the ward. The difference a good night’s sleep makes is priceless.”

Vicki Healey
Children’s Ward Manager
North Manchester General Hospital

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