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The Paediatric Unit at Calderdale Royal Infirmary treats over 8,000 babies and children each year. Often parents and siblings accompany children on the visits to hospital and wait while treatment is administered. A number of patients staying on the unit have additional needs and require stimulation during their time on the ward.

The unit has asked for our help to create a room that will provide both a quiet space for difficult and sensitive conversations between clinicians and parents and also offer a sensory and stimulating play area for patients and visiting children. The installation of sensory lighting, projected visual effects and activity wall panels will make a huge difference to their experience of hospital. A bubble tube, mirrors and some sensory toys will complete the room, which could also be used to calm and distract agitated patients.

The total cost of providing this equipment is £568.63.

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“The AccuVein AV400 is going to be such a useful addition to our equipment as it will make it easier to see the small veins and thereby make the process a lot gentler on our little patients.”

Nicola Entwistle and Rudo Kupera
Children's Clinic
Royal Preston Hospital

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