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Richard Whitehurst to run London Marathon

Richard Whitehurst to run London Marathon for MedEquip4KidsOur supporter Richard Whitehurst is taking on the impressive challenge of running the Virgin Money London Marathon 2021 for us this Sunday 3 October. Richard is a member of Bowdon Business Club, which has generously supported MedEquip4Kids for the past few years.

Richard says: “I was delighted when MedEquip4Kids offered me the chance to run in the London Marathon. It’s always been a challenge I wanted to take on. To tell the truth, I’m a terrible long distance runner, but started racing triathlons a couple of years ago, and Evelyn [our project co-ordinator] saw me on a training run with my dog. MedEquip4Kids is special to me because it was founded at Booth Hall Hospital, where my Nan used to be a teacher.”

We wish Richard all the very best for the big day. You can sponsor him here.

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“During winter months our admissions of children with respiratory conditions increase, so these saturation monitors are vital to us being able to safely monitor children. They will allow us to monitor more children both continuously through their stay with us and at intermittent times during their visit. Staff will find the additional units make their jobs easier.”

Jayne Simpson
Ward Manager
Royal Bolton Hospital

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