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MedEquip4Kids is bringing a sense of calm to the busy Children’s Ward at Furness General Hospital in Barrow. We funded lighting equipment, sensory toys and games to help soothe and distract young children who arrive at the hospital feeling afraid, upset or in pain.

Ghazala Baig, Chief Executive of MedEquip4Kids, Sheila Rockley, President of the Furness Lions Club and Ted Rockley, a member of the Lions Club, attended a recent presentation at the hospital.

Ghazala said: “It’s amazing to see how colour and lighting effects can transform the atmosphere of a ward or treatment room.

“Reducing stress before and during treatment is so important for children’s recovery and we’re delighted we could help make their lives a little easier at such a worrying time.

“I’d like to say a big thank you to the donors who made this possible, including the Sir John Fisher Foundation, Sellafield Charity Trust and the Furness Lions.”

In previous years we supplied new lighting and sensory toys for the children’s Emergency Department at FGH, which treats more than 4,000 young patients each year for serious illnesses or injuries. These resources were so well used and loved that they needed to be replaced.

The department has also expanded to include a paediatric resuscitation room and a separate room for children with minor injuries. When this development was taking place, the medical team asked if we could help by fundraising for a new projector, fibre optic tails, some comfortable furniture for the new rooms and other items.

As well as kitting out the Emergency Department, we were able to equip the Children’s Ward with new sensory toys and games, including a musical abstract tactile panel, a tactile totem and a fluorescent tube ladder.

Although distraction therapy can be accessed by any patient, it has particular benefits for children with special needs who are more likely to be distressed or confused by the clinical environment.

Josephine Holmes, Children’s Ward Manager at FGH, said: “We are very lucky to receive the donation of sensory equipment for the children’s ward. It will make such a difference to the children’s experience during their stay.”

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“Infections of the central nervous system need urgent and appropriate treatment. Most laboratory methods can take from 24 to 48 hours for diagnosis of bacterial meningitis and three to seven days for diagnosis of viral meningitis or encephalitis. The new equipment will mean we can get results of these tests in around an hour. We’ll be able to inform the clinicians of a positive result, allowing targeted therapy and reassurance to the patients and families. Just as important is the reporting of negative results, which may enable treatment withdrawal and possibly a shorter hospital stay.”

Dr Pradeep Subudhi
Consultant Microbiologist
Royal Bolton Hospital

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