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As the winner of our free prize draw, Katy Richardson and her two sons will be enjoying a well-deserved weekend break this Easter at the fabulous LEGOLAND Windsor Resort. The holiday was generously donated to MedEquip4Kids by Plaster Plus Interiors Ltd.

Katy’s youngest son, 19-month-old Ronnie, has been through a tough time recently, going in and out of hospital with repeated bronchitis after picking up an infection at his nursery. Ronnie was treated mainly at the children’s A&E unit at North Manchester General Hospital. There a nebuliser was used to help with his breathing, while pulse oximeters measured his oxygen levels until they were high enough for him to be able to return home.

Katy says: “The staff at the hospital were lovely.  I really can’t fault them. Each time Ronnie was ill, they made sure he was admitted straightaway as a priority. The doctors and consultants were amazing too.”

Thankfully Ronnie has been in good health now since November last year, though it’s still worrying for the family when the weather turns cold.

Katy was studying full-time for a Maths degree when Ronnie became ill, and she also had a six-year-old back at home. She was very grateful to her mum, who helped take care of her other son while Katy was visiting the hospital. With her mum’s support, Katy was able to complete her degree and has just got a new job.

Over the years MedEquip4Kids has provided equipment and facilities worth £160,000 for North Manchester General Hospital.  These include refurbishing the children’s A&E unit, supplying oxygen monitors like the ones used to treat Ronnie, and most recently, equipping a new multisensory room.

MedEquip4Kids has also provided chair beds for the hospital so that parents can stay overnight with their sick child. As Ronnie was in the unit for between three and ten days each time, Katy was glad to have these beds available so she could get some rest while still being close to her son.

Katy says: “We’re really looking forward to going to Legoland. My oldest boy absolutely loves Lego, so it’ll be a real treat.”

We’d like to thank Katy for sharing her story with us, and wish her and the boys a fantastic holiday.

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“Infections of the central nervous system need urgent and appropriate treatment. Most laboratory methods can take from 24 to 48 hours for diagnosis of bacterial meningitis and three to seven days for diagnosis of viral meningitis or encephalitis. The new equipment will mean we can get results of these tests in around an hour. We’ll be able to inform the clinicians of a positive result, allowing targeted therapy and reassurance to the patients and families. Just as important is the reporting of negative results, which may enable treatment withdrawal and possibly a shorter hospital stay.”

Dr Pradeep Subudhi
Consultant Microbiologist
Royal Bolton Hospital

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